Cappuccino vs. Latte vs. Macchiato vs. Mocha vs. Americano vs. Espresso

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Cappuccino vs. Latte vs. Macchiato vs. Mocha vs. Americano vs. Espresso

Oh, the delightful aroma of freshly brewed coffee. A pleasure that people across cultures can appreciate and enjoy together. Whether you are a coffee enthusiast or just starting to explore the world of caffeinated beverages, the language used to describe drinks at a café can sometimes feel like a secret code. Fear not because you are not alone in your quest to understand the menu at a coffee shop. The realm of coffee can be overwhelming, especially when faced with choices like cappuccino, latte, macchiato, mocha, americano, and espresso.

This guide will delve into Cappuccino vs. Latte vs. Macchiato vs. Mocha vs. Americano vs. Espresso drinks. By uncovering their characteristics, we aim to provide you with an understanding of the subtle variations that contribute to creating genuinely distinctive coffee experiences.

Before we explore the delightful world of coffee creations, let us start with the foundation: espresso.

Espresso: The Foundation of Coffee Artistry

Imagine finely ground coffee beans meeting hot water under pressure – that is espresso! It forms the heart of various coffee drinks and stands out with its strong flavor, rich crema (creamy layer on top), and aroma that can stimulate your senses. Espresso is the magic potion that sets the stage for our coffee journey.

Let us now discuss the fundamentals of espresso-based beverages. We will discuss lattes, macchiatos, cappuccinos, and mochas, all coffee companions. They all begin with the same ingredients: espresso, steamed milk, and milk foam. These three components create the unique flavors and textures that make each drink special.

Espresso is the basis of many coffee drinks. It is made by forcing hot water through finely powdered coffee beans, creating a concentrated and delectable beverage. Steamed milk is then added to espresso to create a variety of drinks, such as lattes, cappuccinos, and mochas. Milk foam is the foam layer added to the top of these drinks. It can be made in two styles: microfoam, which is a smooth and velvety foam, and dry foam, which is a more airy and textured foam.

How To Prepare Espresso Drinks

The preparation of espresso drinks follows a set of steps repeated for each type of drink. Gather tools like a coffee grinder, scale, espresso machine, and steaming wand, starting with milk and espresso beans. You will also need the right mug and a milk container. Begin by grinding fresh coffee beans, packing the grounds into a portafilter, and brewing using an espresso machine.

Let us now explore the different espresso-based drinks and how they are prepared in the following sections.

Cappuccino: A Harmony of Espresso, Milk, and Foam

The cappuccino is a classic favorite in the coffee world, known for its perfect mix of espresso, steamed milk, and creamy milk foam. It comes in a small cup with equal parts of espresso, steamed milk, and foam. Making a perfect cappuccino is all about getting the milk's texture and frothiness just right. The foam should sit on top without mixing too much with the espresso, giving you a mix of coffee and velvety foam in each sip.

Originally from Italy, the cappuccino has been enjoyed for many years as a morning drink or a snack. It gained popularity about 25 years ago in the United States and is now a common sight in cafes. People all around the world love cappuccinos, and this has led to various versions of the drink. You might find iced cappuccinos with cold-frothed milk or even flavored ones with added tastes like caramel or vanilla. So, the next time you're at a coffee shop, consider trying a cappuccino – you are in for a creamy and delightful treat!

How To Make Cappuccino?

To craft a cappuccino

, start with a serving mug larger than an espresso cup but smaller than a latte mug, typically holding around 5-6 oz. While traditional Italian cappuccinos feature a single shot of espresso, many places opt for a double shot. The perfect cappuccino embodies a 1:1:1 ratio of espresso, milk, and milk foam, usually around 2 oz each. Pull your espresso shot, steam the milk to a foamy consistency, then pour it over the espresso, often with creative foam art.

Latte: A Creamy and Mild Indulgence

For a gentler coffee encounter, the latter proves to be an ideal choice. A hint of milk foam enhances the top, consisting of mainly espresso and steamed milk. Unlike the cappuccino, the latte leans towards a higher milk-to-espresso ratio, leading to a mellower and less intense coffee taste. It is a favorite among those who prefer coffee's comfort without the commanding punch of espresso.

In the United States, a latte entails a double espresso shot (about 60 mL or 2 oz), steamed milk, and a layer of milk foam around 1/2 inch thick on top. Typically ranging from 8 to 12 oz, this version utilizes microfoam, allowing for intricate designs like latte art. A hallmark of the latte's appeal is the velvety milk foam layer. This drink resonates with those who appreciate the harmonious union of milk and coffee flavors, with room for customization. Coffee shops often offer variations with syrups for a sweeter note. An iced latte skips the foam, featuring espresso over chilled milk, while flavored lattes include additives like vanilla or hazelnut syrup.

How To Make a Latte?

To create a Latte

, Pull an espresso shot directly into the mug you will use to make a latte. At the same time, the espresso brews about 6-8 oz of milk until it is smooth and shiny. Look for no bubbles and milk sticking to the carafe sides when you swirl it. Tap the carafe to bring up air bubbles, then gently stir to mix before pouring. Get creative with latte art while pouring, and if you like, spoon the leftover foam on top.

Macchiato: The Art of "Staining" Your Espresso

"Macchiato," meaning "stained" in Italian, perfectly describes this coffee drink. A macchiato is an espresso shot with a small amount of milk or milk foam. There are two main kinds: espresso macchiato and latte macchiato. The former combines a single shot of espresso with a hint of milk or foam, while the latter blends steamed milk with a shot of espresso.

Macchiatos find harmony between the robustness of espresso and the smoothness of milk.

Also known as caffè macchiato or espresso macchiato, it consists of espresso with a touch of steamed milk. Baristas created the macchiato to distinguish it from espresso with milk, and is sometimes made with a small amount of foamed milk. This potent coffee is often served in a shot glass. In Mexico, it is called a cortado, similar yet distinct. This beverage hinges on quality espresso beans for its rich flavor.

How to Make a Macchiato?

To create a macchiato, begin with an espresso shot in a demitasse cup. While the shot brews, use a frother to steam milk, aiming for slightly frothier than for a latte. Add a small amount of foamy milk – a dollop or slightly more, depending on your taste. Once your espresso is ready, pour or spoon the milk on top as desired. While the traditional macchiato has a drop of milk, some opt for a bit more for creaminess.

Mocha: Where Coffee Meets Chocolate

For enthusiasts of the coffee-chocolate fusion, the mocha offers a delectable choice. It harmonizes espresso, steamed milk, and chocolate syrup, creating a lush and slightly sweet blend that caters to coffee and chocolate cravings. "Mocha" hails from Yemen's Mocha city, historically a coffee trade hub. Often akin to espresso-infused hot chocolate, mochas require skillful preparation.

Recipes vary, featuring chocolate syrup or cocoa powder, with some cafes using chocolate fragments for a visually appealing touch. Like a latte with a hint of chocolate, mochas distinguish themselves with whipped cream toppings. Variations like white and black-and-white mochas introduce diversity through chocolate types and toppings, enhancing an already delicious experience.

How to make a Mocha?

To craft a mocha (or mochaccino)

, follow the latte-making process and add chocolate as the distinguishing touch. Various cafes use cocoa powder mixed with hot water, chocolate syrup, or even broken chocolate pieces. The choice of chocolate, be it milk, dark, or white, adds diversity. The steps involve brewing espresso into the serving mug, followed by chocolate (traditionally after espresso) and steamed milk. Finish with toppings like whipped cream, chocolate, or milk foam for a tasty experience.

Americano: Dilution with a Purpose

The intriguing backstory of the Americano dates back to World War II when American soldiers posted in Italy found the local espresso too potent for their palates. Seeking a milder option, they diluted espresso with hot water, giving rise to the Americano. This coffee is prepared with espresso and hot water, giving it a similar appearance to drip brew but with the intense flavor of espresso. Typically, it is prepared with a 1/2 or 1/3 espresso to 2/3 water ratio, although this can vary among cafes. A debate exists over whether to add espresso or water first; the general practice is to add espresso first to meld the crema, resulting in a smoother taste. Diverging from other espresso-based beverages, the Americano skips milk, setting it apart. Interestingly, the drink was historically enjoyed iced, utilizing cold water and ice cubes, adding to its versatility.

How To Make an Americano?

To make an Americano, start by deciding on your drink size. A 1-shot Americano can fit in an espresso mug, while a 2-shot version is best suited for a latte mug. Begin by making espresso using espresso roast coffee and your preferred brewing method. Boil water using a teapot, maintaining a standard ratio of 2:1 water to espresso, with the option to adjust up to 3:1 according to taste. Finally, mix the brewed espresso and boiling water to create your Americano.

In the next section, we have summarized Cappuccino vs. Latte vs. Macchiato vs. Mocha vs. Americano vs. Espresso in tabular form.

Cappuccino Vs. Latte Vs. Macchiato Vs. Mocha Vs. Americano Vs. Espresso

Coffee Type

​Drink Size

Milk Ratio

Espresso Shots

Milk Amount



5-6 oz
​1/3 Foam


8-12 oz
​6-8 oz
​1 cm Foam


2-3 oz
​No Foam


8-12 oz
​6-8 oz


​1-shot / 2-shot


​1 oz

Please note that the Americano and Espresso entries have "N/A" for specific attributes as they have different preparation methods and components.


In the end, the delightful dilemma of cappuccino vs. latte vs. macchiato vs. mocha vs. americano vs. espresso boils down to your cravings. Each sip of these coffee wonders offers a unique mix of coffee, milk, and texture, providing a range of choices. The art of coffee making is all about the details. The right blend of ingredients, the perfect temperature of the milk, and the barista's passion for coffee all come together to create an exceptional experience. Every cup holds a world of comfort and connection, from bold espresso shots to velvety lattes and chocolatey mochas.

So, let your taste buds roam if you are an espresso explorer, a milk maestro, or a chocolate expert. Explore the different ways to enjoy coffee and find the one that gives you the most pleasure and satisfaction. It is not just a cup but a passport to coffee culture, a journey of flavors, and a shared love that unites us all. Cheers to the artistry in every sip of cappuccino, latte, macchiato, mocha, americano, and espresso—a world of indulgence, all in one cup.

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Armando Ciciliani

About The Author: Jorge Armando Ciciliani

Jorge is a seasoned coffee professional with a lifelong passion for all things coffee. For over a decade, he has fervently immersed himself in the world of coffee, mastering its preparation, understanding its societal impact, and uncovering its cultural significance. Starting as a barista at the young age of 15 and later managing a coffee roastery, this journey led him to work as a quality control manager for a green coffee importer. Traveling across countries in Central and North America, Jorge has explored various coffee traditions and honed his skills through Specialty Coffee Association courses. As a QC Cupping coffee connoisseur and sensory skills enthusiast, Jorge is a true expert in the art of brewing and savoring the perfect cup. Consider him your trusted Fika expert.

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