Cafe Latte vs Cappuccino: What's The Difference?

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Cafe Latte vs Cappuccino: What's The Difference?

Coffee has transcended its role as a mere morning pick-me-up to become an integral part of our lives. Two popular choices that often spark debates among coffee lovers are the café latte and cappuccino. These

espresso-based beverages

have their own unique characteristics, flavors, and loyal followings. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the differences between café lattes and cappuccinos to help you make an informed decision the next time you step into a coffee shop.

Cappuccino vs. Café Latte

1. A Taste of Italy and Beyond

Before diving into the specifics, let's take a moment to appreciate the rich history and global influence of these coffee classics.


The cappuccino is the result of Italian coffee craftsmanship. Its name originates from the Capuchin friars, whose brown robes resemble the color of the beverage. It's no surprise that the cappuccino is a strong, bold coffee - a reflection of Italy's passion for espresso.

Traditionally, it's made by combining equal parts of espresso,

steamed milk

, and milk foam. This results in a coffee that's intense, with a velvety, creamy texture and a topping of luscious foam.

Café Latte

The café latte, often just called a "latte," has a different lineage. Although it may sound Italian with "latte" meaning milk, it's an

American-born beverage

. The latte consists of espresso and steamed milk with a thin layer of frothed milk on top. It's known for its milder coffee flavor and creamy texture. Unlike the cappuccino, lattes often offer a canvas for flavors and creative additions, making them a versatile choice for those who prefer a sweeter, customizable coffee experience.

2. Ingredients and Composition

When it comes to taste and texture, the distinction between café lattes and cappuccinos becomes evident, and this plays a pivotal role in the choice one makes.

Cappuccinos are celebrated for their bold and intense coffee flavor. Comprising equal portions of espresso, steamed milk, and a generous layer of milk foam, cappuccinos deliver a robust and cherished coffee experience. The hallmark of a cappuccino is its abundant foam, creating a luxurious and velvety texture that strikes a delightful balance between richness and frothiness. While cappuccinos aren't typically sweetened, the inherent sweetness of milk is heightened by the robust coffee flavor, yielding a beverage with a subtle, naturally occurring sweetness.

In contrast, lattes are known for their milder coffee taste, offering a creamy and comforting backdrop to the espresso. The smoother and silkier texture of lattes can be attributed to the greater quantity of steamed milk and the finer layer of frothed milk. What sets lattes apart is their versatility – they serve as a canvas for flavor experimentation. Lattes can be customized with sweeteners, syrups, and various flavor additives, allowing you to tailor the sweetness to your personal preferences.

3. Calories and Nutrition

Cappuccinos, with their higher coffee-to-milk ratio and substantial foam, tend to be the lighter option in terms of calorie content. This makes cappuccinos particularly attractive for those conscious of their calorie intake.

On the other hand, lattes may have slightly more calories due to the larger volume of steamed milk and the potential addition of sweeteners or flavorings. However, it's important to note that the calorie variance can fluctuate depending on the specific recipe and ingredients used.

Furthermore, the choice of milk, whether it's skim milk or dairy alternatives, plays a significant role in determining the calorie count. Opting for skim milk or non-dairy options can be a healthier choice, particularly if you are keeping a close eye on your calorie consumption. It's essential to be aware of these factors when making your coffee selection, especially if you have specific dietary considerations.

4. Flavors and Customization

Café Latte

  • Versatile Canvas

    : Lattes provide a versatile canvas for flavor exploration. With espresso and steamed milk as the base, you can introduce a wide range of flavors and sweeteners to create your ideal beverage. Popular latte flavors include Caramel Latte, Mocha Latte, Hazelnut Latte, and French Vanilla Latte.

  • Dairy Alternatives

    : Lattes are also accommodating for those who prefer dairy alternatives, such as soy, almond, or oat milk. This adaptability makes lattes an inclusive option for a wide range of dietary preferences.


  • Traditional Indulgence

    : Cappuccinos tend to be enjoyed in their traditional form, with the focus primarily on the

    coffee's natural flavor

    and the velvety milk foam. While cappuccinos can be flavored or sweetened, they are often appreciated for their pure, unadulterated taste.

  • Espresso Variations

    : If you're a fan of espresso but prefer a creamier texture, the cappuccino can be a perfect choice. The espresso flavor remains prominent while the milk and foam enhance its overall appeal.

Crafting the Perfect Latte and Cappuccino at Home

In the realm of coffee, there's a special place for the comforting embrace of a latte and the bold charm of a cappuccino. If you're a coffee enthusiast who enjoys the idea of making your favorite espresso-based beverages at home, we've got you covered. Here's how to create the perfect latte and cappuccino in your own kitchen.

Creating a Latte


  • 1-2 shots of espresso
  • Steamed milk
  • Frothed milk
  • Optional: Flavor syrups or sweeteners


  • Espresso machine
  • Milk steamer/frother
  • Espresso cups or a coffee mug


  1. Start by brewing 1-2 shots of espresso using your espresso machine.
  2. While the espresso is brewing, use the milk steamer or frother to heat and froth the milk. You want the milk to be hot but not boiling. For a single latte, you'll typically need about 6-8 ounces of steamed milk.
  3. Pour the freshly brewed espresso into a cup or mug.
  4. Gently pour the steamed milk into the cup, holding back the frothed milk with a spoon to let the liquid milk flow first.
  5. Once you've added the steamed milk, use a spoon to scoop the frothed milk on top. You can create latte art with the frothed milk by pouring it in a controlled manner.
  6. If you prefer a flavored latte, add your choice of flavor syrups or sweeteners to the cup before pouring in the milk.
  7. Your homemade latte is ready to enjoy! Be careful, as it may be hot.

Crafting a Cappuccino


  • 1-2 shots of espresso
  • Steamed milk
  • Milk foam


  • Espresso machine
  • Milk steamer/frother
  • Espresso cups


  1. Begin by brewing 1-2 shots of espresso using your espresso machine.
  2. While the espresso is brewing, use the milk steamer or frother to heat and froth the milk. The goal is to achieve a rich and velvety milk foam. You'll need less steamed milk compared to a latte, about 2-3 ounces for a single cappuccino.
  3. Pour the freshly brewed espresso into an espresso cup.
  4. Next, pour the steamed milk into the cup, holding back the foam with a spoon as you pour.
  5. Now, add the milk foam on top. The foam should form a thick layer on the surface of the espresso.
  6. Your cappuccino is complete and ready to enjoy. The distinct layers of espresso, steamed milk, and foam are a hallmark of this classic coffee.
These homemade latte and cappuccino recipes allow you to savor the flavors and textures of these beloved coffee beverages in the comfort of your own home. Feel free to experiment with different coffee beans and flavorings to create your perfect cup of coffee.

The Art of the Pour

One striking difference between café lattes and cappuccinos is the artistry they inspire.
Lattes, with their smoother and less foamy texture, are an ideal canvas for baristas to create intricate and captivating latte art. These artistic designs are made by skillfully pouring the frothed milk into the coffee, resulting in patterns, images, or even 3D sculptures on the surface. Latte art has become a hallmark of specialty coffee shops and adds to the visual appeal of the beverage.
Cappuccinos, with their abundance of foam, tend to have a thicker and creamier layer on top. While less suited for elaborate designs, this creamy foam contributes to the cappuccino's luxurious texture, creating a delightful contrast with the bold espresso underneath.

A Worldwide Coffee Journey

As coffee culture has evolved, so have the ways in which lattes and cappuccinos are made and enjoyed around the world. Different regions and cultures have put their unique twists on these classic beverages:

  • Lattes

    : In various countries, lattes are celebrated for their adaptability to different flavors and ingredients. You can find an array of latte variations, from the classic Caramel Latte to the exotic Chai Latte. In the United States, for example, lattes often incorporate a wide range of syrups and sweeteners, making them sweet and flavorful.

  • Cappuccinos

    : In Italy and other parts of Europe, cappuccinos are revered for their traditional preparation, emphasizing the balance of espresso, steamed milk, and foam. The classic cappuccino is often enjoyed in the morning as a wake-up call.
Final Thoughts
In the café latte vs. cappuccino showdown, it all comes down to personal preferences. If you favor a milder coffee with a creamy texture and the option to experiment with flavors, the café latte is the way to go. On the other hand, if you relish a bold and robust espresso flavor paired with velvety foam, the cappuccino is your go-to choice.
Both of these espresso-based beverages have their own unique charm and cater to a wide range of tastes. So, the next time you step into your favorite coffee shop, armed with this knowledge, you can confidently order the coffee that perfectly suits your mood and cravings. Whether it's a velvety cappuccino or a creamy café latte, you're in for a delightful coffee experience.

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About The Author: Jorge Armando Ciciliani

Jorge is a seasoned coffee professional with a lifelong passion for all things coffee. For over a decade, he has fervently immersed himself in the world of coffee, mastering its preparation, understanding its societal impact, and uncovering its cultural significance. Starting as a barista at the young age of 15 and later managing a coffee roastery, this journey led him to work as a quality control manager for a green coffee importer.
Traveling across countries in Central and North America, Jorge has explored various coffee traditions and honed his skills through Specialty Coffee Association courses. As a QC Cupping coffee connoisseur and sensory skills enthusiast, Jorge is a true expert in the art of brewing and savoring the perfect cup. Consider him your trusted Fika expert.




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